BLOG POSTS Inner Reflections

Don’t Compromise…Shout It Out!

I felt like just sharing some things on my heart…and this is the place I get to do that.

As a parent and new grandparent, I have started to realistically look at the Nation we live in and the world around us and evaluate what will the world look like in twenty years?

I know that the world we live in has always had a dark side lurking beyond the shadows.  However, I am seeing the dark side become more and more the normal because our society today is so afraid to speak out on the things that really matter.  We have become too “politically correct” because of fear of man.

We all know that since 1973, we accepted that abortion, or the murdering of babies in the womb is simply normal because now some men in power have made it legal.  

Now in 2019 it has become acceptable to decide to murder babies after they are born, all in the name of “pro-choice”. Why are we as a Nation not more outraged at this decision? Who in their right mind thinks that this ok?

So many other things in our Nation have become simply…”tolerated”.

We all know that for many years after prohibition ended in 1933 we have accepted drinking as simply a social past time, even though so many families are destroyed by alcoholism and drunk drivers.  Now we really don’t give it a second thought…and alcoholism is still legal and continues to cause devastation.

We all know that for many years people have been using illegal drugs to the detriment of society and at the cost of many lives.  Now we have made it legal to smoke marijuana in certain states, even though there may be a chance that it might be laced with a deadly poison called fentanyl that causes instant death. 

We have known for many years that practicing a lifestyle of homosexuality was frowned upon as it caused some so many hardships, mental and emotional distress and others even died at the spread of the disease called AIDS.  Now it has become acceptable to teach our young people that THEY get to choose their gender, and it is ok to give them dangerous hormones and surgeries to accommodate that change, even though the long term consequences are not known.

We know that in the past, immigrants were happy and proud to come into this country and pursue citizenship LEGALLY and go after the American dream.  Now we EMBRACE LAWLESSNESS and condone breaking the law all in the name of compassion.  Now it has become acceptable to allow ILLEGAL immigrants to cross over our borders and that we the citizens will now pay their way out of our hard earned tax dollars, when our own vets and citizens are suffering.  It is frowned upon if you want to honor the American Flag.

We know in the past, politicians had this Nation’s best interest at heart and impeachment was never to be an avenue that was entered into lightly.  Now impeachment has become a practice we pursue to keep the current president from staying in office to run for another term, just because all of the opposing candidates have no strong platform to stand upon in the next election.

I see people calling themselves Christians, and while none of us are perfect, we have embraced pagan mindsets and practices.  It is now ok to promote teachings and theology that is NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We have men telling us to pursue certain things that JESUS NEVER TOLD US to pursue.  Holiness is even frowned upon, and if you are a Christ follower that speaks out against these things, careful, as you may be labeled with a “religious” spirit?  Since when did Jesus and His Good News become boring and not enough?  Since when was it ever ok with God to “intermingle” pagan practices?  Since when is it ok to reduce the divinity of Jesus to simply a man?  It is NEVER ok if you are a true disciple of Jesus!

All of the horrific decisions that I am seeing being made for our Nation, will never help bring us back to being the ONE Nation Under God as we once were.

Until we the people, stand up and speak out against evil, and stop calling evil good, it will continue to grow darker and darker.  If we continue down this very dark path, our Nation and democracy will crumble.

I pray for our country, that we do not become a nation that does not “know” God.

I pray for our children and grandchildren that they will have the courage to STAND FOR TRUTH and for JESUS, and that they will NEVER EVER DENY JESUS as not only a Savior but as LORD!

I pray that we will make our Nation great so that in twenty years our grandchildren can live a long, healthy life, being faithful to God and HIS TRUTHS.

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