BLOG POSTS Bible Teachings,  BLOG POSTS Inner Reflections


It is with great love for my friends and a broken heart that I write these words today.  I have prayed, consulted other Christian Leaders, and waited to release this…however, I feel NOW is the TIME!

Given our latest current political and religious state in America…I believe that we, as Christian leaders and believers alike, are called to STAND UP for the TRUTH of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as others in history have had to do.  Jesus tells us to NEVER be ashamed of HIM.  It also tells us that HE is THE WORD, so whatever His WORD says, I have to STAND FOR, especially now, and declare that ONLY what HE says is TRUTH.  I as a mere “mortal” man do not get to DECIDE what is MORAL or ETHICAL if I am a true believer of Jesus.  I do not get to decide that the gospel of social justice, prosperity or whatever other “gospel” you want to preach trumps the WORD!

I beg us all to first examine our own heart to see if there is anything that we have put on the “thrones of our heart” over “THE WORD”??  If you are allowing compromise in any way inside your church building, organization, movement, or any other “Christian” denominations…I implore you to consider that “silence is consent”. 

Today we have many Christian leaders eager to promote those in politics as their hero’s simply because of their ideology, gender or color of their skin.  If you publicly “align” yourself with leaders that are blatantly promoting an evil agenda, such as abortion or other ideas or beliefs, that go AGAINST the WORD of God… I beg you to reconsider.  This “action” says to me and others that you are “calling evil good”.  This is dangerous and I beg you to please pray and REPENT.

We also have other leaders that promote a personal, experiential and/or esoteric “spiritual” encounter and false or erroneous doctrine OVER what THE WORD says that we should be building our faith on.  If you are “mixing” other new age, new thought or occultic practices and pagan teachings with your “Christian” beliefs and teachings, please pray and REPENT.  If those “non-Christian” practices and teachings are that important to you, then just call yourself for what you are, a person that practices “new age/new thought”… but do not make the mistake in thinking that because you drop a few scriptures into the “mix” taken out of context, or you use the name “Jesus” in your teachings, that validates your teachings as truth or that this makes you a believer…just the opposite.  It makes you someone that does not believe that the “GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST” is the power to salvation, and that Jesus is just not enough for you.  If you, like other “doubters”, need something more tangible that you can see, touch or smell, you are in “unbelief”.  I do not doubt that those that practice such “new age” things see results or have “spiritual” experiences that are very real to them.  However the Bible warns us of false signs and lying wonders.  The question lies in not the validity of your experience, but as to who or what is the SOURCE of these experiences?

We are warned over and over that in the last days “FALSE Teachers, Apostles and Prophets” will be the most dangerous thing the Body of Christ will come up against…and that there will be a great “falling away” from TRUTH.  I would have to say, I am seeing that happen before my very eyes.

It is so easy to get caught up in the euphoria of what is happening in a large group of people that unite together in these erroneous teachings, as I myself, several years ago, started to go down the “wide path” to destruction.  Thank God, in His mercy, that he has corrected me by His Word, and wise “elders and teachers” who have put me back on to the right “straight and narrow” path. 

So this is not a slam against the people who are caught up in such error, but a heartfelt and tearful plea to please examine what you are aligning yourself with and stop listening to “vain” teachings or prophecies”…and get in the WORD of GOD.  Even a warning here that there are some “translations” of the Word, that are in error…specifically if the translation is interpreted by only “one man with his own personal revelation from an angel” who does not possess the qualifications needed to translate the Holy Word.  Please use wisdom.

I also implore Pastors and Leaders to please have the COURAGE to “spiritually restore” those in your congregations who have “aligned” with such false and dangerous ideologies and teachings.  You are the Shepherd over your flock to “GUARD and PROTECT” those in your care from dangerous “wolves in sheep’s clothing”.  It is NOT love, but codependency, when you allow those in your care to be led away by every wind of doctrine to a path of destruction.  LOVE THEM ENOUGH to speak truth to them, as their “ETERNAL SOULS” are at stake!  Restore them, that is your calling as a “minister of reconciliation”.  I say this with a broken heart at what I am seeing.

The times we are living in is no time to play “God games” and be too proud to admit that maybe what or who you have aligned yourself with, even for so many years, may not be correct…it takes a heart of complete humility to admit that you can be mistaken in who or what you follow. 

Simply FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST, and stay attached to HIM and HIS TRUTH!


As for me and my beliefs…I list them here:


I will NEVER apologize for how God made me, including the color of my skin, as this says to others that GOD didn’t know what He was doing.

I love all of God’s children, black, white, brown, yellow, red…or blue. Your “character” means more to me than your color.

Based on the Word of God, I am NOT responsible for the sins of my fathers, and what others have done that is horrific and sinful. 

I will NOT BOW or KNEEL to anyone except MY Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST!  HE ONLY is MY KING!

I will NOT compromise the word of GOD simply because I am afraid to speak the TRUTH because of the “fear of man”.

I will NOT promote myself, my “personal revelations or prophecies” or my own teachings as “higher” than the WORD of GOD, His HOLY BIBLE!

I will NOT intermingle other teachings that are not Biblical with what the Bible says, as light cannot “coexist” with darkness.

I do not align myself with the teachings of the Word of Faith or NAR movements, as I do think they are teaching in error, and even border heresy.

I believe we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to Scripture alone, for God’s glory alone.

There is but one living and true God, everlasting, of infinite power, wisdom and goodness, maker and preserver of all things, both visible and invisible. In the unity of this God-Head, there are three persons of one substance, of eternal being, and equal in holiness, justice, wisdom, power, and dignity. These three are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost;Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, crucified, buried, and raised from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is today at the right hand of the Father as the intercessor;

All have sinned and come short of the glory of God; repentance is commanded of God and necessary for forgiveness of sins;

Justification, Regeneration, and the New Birth are wrought by faith in the blood of Jesus;

In Sanctification subsequent to the New Birth wrought by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ;

Holiness to be God’s Standard of living for His people;

In the baptism of the Holy Ghost subsequent to a clean heart; In speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance;

In water baptism by immersion and all who repent should be baptized;

Divine healing is provided for all in the atonement;

In the Lord’s Supper and Washing of the Saints’ feet;

In the premillenial second coming of Jesus, first to resurrect the righteous dead and to catch away the living saints to Him in the air, and second, to reign on the earth a thousand years;

In the bodily resurrection, eternal life for the righteous, and eternal punishment for the wicked;

Marriage is a divine covenant between GOD, and a man (male) and woman (female).  We believe that NO MAN can separate what God has joined together.  We believe in divorce ONLY based on what Jesus said, except for the hardness of your heart and fornication.  We believe that all past divorces or sin are covered by the Blood of Jesus.

I pray for all that they will come to know the TRUTH, and that the TRUTH will make them free!

Humbly, a saddened sister in Christ.

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