BLOG POSTS Inner Reflections


Today, as I am writing, I feel there are so many that are experiencing stress as they see their life as stagnant and not going in the direction they want it to go in, …they are in a rut. 

In today’s society, we have so much pressure to “fit in” and to be what “we perceive” others want us to be and we allow others to define what our lives should look like.  However, we are all different, and in different places in our life journey, with different motives and directions of what or who we are seeking, and where we are going.  It is sometimes easy to allow fear of change or growth to keep us paralyzed and in our safe place or comfort zone.  We are stuck with the same old crowd, listening to the same old wisdom or echoes that we’ve been hearing for years, instead of listening to “fresh manna” directly from Heaven.   

My life journey has changed so much in just the last nine months.  I have found that I can write down all of my man-made goals and aspirations, but what I have learned, even recently is that all of that can change in the blink of an eye.  Being a typical “type A” personality, at the end of every year, I set new goals of what I believe the Lord wants me to accomplish …and try to evaluate those goals through the year to see if I am achieving them.  Some of those goals can also be based on collaboration even with other people…which brings a whole new challenge in the pursuit of dreams, as other people also can change their goals and directions.  I have come to learn to never count on people to stay the same, that includes myself.

My personal spiritual walk continues to move me in new directions and gives me new passions for the things that I believe God wants me to accomplish.  I cannot stay “STUCK IN A RUT” spiritually or in my life, just satisfied with the status quo and never growing, never learning and never branching out to new horizons.  I don’t believe that I will wake up one day and think to myself, “I have arrived spiritually”.  I am an avid reader and seeker of knowledge…and I have to be cognizant of not going down a path that leads me seeking after man’s knowledge that does not align with the Biblical truths that I try and live my life by.  The Bible is MY ONLY TRUTH for continued growth.  It is an eternal truth that I can rely on and never gets dull or old, and continues to become more alive to me every time I read it!  I am a very high energy person, and I can never sit on my laurels and wait for things to come to me…I go after them.  I get it done!  This is true of my spiritual growth…I seek after growth daily…by allowing time to pray, and study His word, and to take steps towards the goals and dreams that God has put in my heart.

So today…if you feel…bored…”STUCK IN A RUT”, you can get out of that rut.  The choice is ALL up to you.  Simply wake up and DECIDE …make a CHOICE…to actively pursue your spiritual growth and go after any God given dreams HE has put in your heart.  Find an accountability partner or friend, a Christian coach or mentor that can guide you.  However, doing the work is still all up to you! 

If you’re desiring to grow closer to the Lord, you will have to discipline yourself.  Schedule some time to put down that phone, turn off that TV, and dust off that Bible, open it up, and pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit to speak to you and lead and guide you in His Word!  Become a “HUNGRY HEART for JESUS” and get out of that RUT! 

Don’t stay STUCK in the RUT any longer! I am discovering…life is short…time is precious…and there is SOOO MUCH Jesus has waiting for you to discover.


Get to LIVING LIFE…get to it! Just do it!


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