BLOG POSTS Bible Teachings

IF Jesus said it…should we do it?

RE-Release from: January 26, 2017, 10:58 AM

JESUS Said It….

IF Jesus said it, why do we not DO IT?  There are so many things that are in the NT Gospel’s that Jesus said, but that we are choosing to ignore.  My question is WHY??  If he left us some divine words of wisdom and instruction why would we continue to ignore it?  I spoke about this in a previous BLOG regarding what Jesus said in Matthew 6 regarding “Secret Ministry”.  Why are we so apt to do whatever man has dictacted for years about the way things should be done?  

On another note, where does our modern day “church model” come from?  I hear so many say they want a “Book of Acts” church.  Then again, why do we pick and choose based on man-made rituals and tradtions of men that have been around for decades, versus, what the Word of God gave us an example?  

The BOOK is “Divine” instruction…is it not?  We see in Acts 2:41-47 an original model of the beginning of the church.  Acts 2:45 really stood out in that they sold their possessions and “parted them to ALL men, as every man had need”.  WHERE is there a church that gives to ALL that have a need?  Again we see in acts 4:32-37 this same concept.  The needs of others were met.  In verse 34 it stats that “Neither was there ANY among them that LACKED”….there was NO LACK!!  And in verse 35 we see that if you were an “Apostle” you were responsible for the stewardship and that you were to “distribute unto EVERY MAN according as he had need”.  If this is the model, why are the so called “Apostolic Churches” and “Apostles” not heeding this instruction??

Instead I have seen large successful churches with loyal members who give to the church but are still experiencing lack, while the Pastor’s family live in huge homes and drive expensive cars??  Why is there a single mother in their church asking for prayer regarding getting her kids into an apartment while working as a waitress, and the Pastor will pray…but the member of the church still has LACK.  All the while, the Pastor’s young kids are driving brand new luxury cars?

Does NO ONE pay attention to what is in the word as our instruction.

I am learning to pray for and love even these ministers that are “immature” in heart, as they are still the kids of the King.  

Jesus is coming back for a bride that has been made ready.  I pray that those who are just doing what they have always done based on “Man’s Model”, get a heart change and learn to just walk in the heart of JESUS, this includes myself.

Let us all treat each other as we would want to be treated….

HUMBLING to know that even I (LOL) still have so many things to grow in…including LOVING OTHERS as Christ loves them.

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